Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Corruption in Nigeria has been described as a top-end anomaly that brings sadness to the mind. Private hangers are increasing in Nigerian airports. "We don't sell cars, we don't sell ICT intellect, we don't do anything. the only thing we sell is 'Black Gold'. Where do they get the money from? I am talking about people making away away with our common wealth," Bakare of Truth Be told Network said, referring to government officials. Coruption In Nigeria - Government Officials Increasing Private Jets youtube.com The letter of the of a former Nigerian president to President Goodluck Jonathan contained issues that Nigerians should critically dwell on not considering th...

Corruption in Nigeria has been described as a top-end anomaly that brings sadness to the mind.

Private hangers are increasing in Nigerian airports.

"We don't sell cars, we don't sell ICT intellect, we don't do anything. the only thing we sell is 'Black Gold'. Where do they get the money from? I am talking about people making away away with our common wealth," Bakare of Truth Be told Network said, referring to government officials.

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