Monday, 19 May 2014

@Benedeji twist me on 9ja happenings @Ugubandubuisi1 & @naijcom - It beats me how they could have carried out an attack and yet there is a bounty on the mastermind. Doesn't add up #BringBackOurGirlsand bombing in 9ja

@Benedeji twist me on 9ja happenings @Ugubandubuisi1 & @naijcom - It beats me how they could have carried out an attack and yet there is a bounty on the mastermind. Doesn't add up #BringBackOurGirls

LVan gaal named the new manu manager and assisted by ryan giggs

Van gaal named the new manu manager and assisted by ryan giggs

Check out more pics on yesterdays victory parade blog it

Check out more pics on yesterdays victory parade blog it

Parade fans amounted arsenal250kfacup chelsea80kuefa mancity70kepl after the finals

Parade fans amounted arsenal250kfacup chelsea80kuefa mancity70kepl after the finals

football transfer rumours gundogan cech milner benzema to arsenal

football transfer rumours gundogan cech milner benzema to arsenal

CBN raises treasury bill rates as investor demand declines

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has increased interest rates on Nigerian Treas...