Dear My friend,
This is candy from Guangzhou Shera bag factory. Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, Glad to share the story of Fairy tales for you.
In a long time ago, There's a boy named Cowherd live in the earth with his elder brother and brother's wife They are poor and his brother wife hate him . one day, she give him 9 cows to grazing ,He can't go home till the 9 cows become 10cows. Cowherd was sad and go to the mountain forest with 9 cows. At this moment, an old man came and tell him there's a sick old cow over that mountain, if you could help it you could take it home. Cowherd was happy and overcome difficulties then Find the cow. He take care of the cow and take some glasses for it to eat. After 3days the cow tell him: I am the cow fairy from Heaven and made something wrong so be drive in the earth. If you could look for the dew to repair wound on the leg, you can take me home. Cowherd agree that. After a month Cowherd go home with 10 cows but his brother's wife also bad to him. she kick Cowherd with old cow out.
One day ,the Girl-Weaver and other Fairy fly to the earth from Heaven, They take a shower on the river. Cowherd meet the Girl-Weaver under old cow help. They love each other . Girl-Weaver decide to go the earth and marry with Cowherd to avoid telling the Heavenly Queen Mother. They have 2 children a boy and a girl. Girl-Weaver is kind and help for the people in the earth. But the Heavenly Queen Mother knew that and come to earth bring Girl-Weaver back. Cowherd was sad doesn't know how to go to Heaven. the sick cow told him when it was dead he could use it's leather to make shoes and tri it on , he could fly to heaven .Cowherd do as the cow said .he bring his children fly to heaven to find his wife. Heavenly Queen Mother. Know that and put the headdress to become a river. Cowherd and Girl-Weaver just apart .the magpies was move by their love and help them to make Magpie Bridge. Heavenly Queen Mother. Acquiescence their behave and They just can meet on that day ,That's lunar calendar July,7th.
In the future the people commemorate their love and make this day named Chinese Valentine's Day. We wish all lovers can have a good Valentine's Day, cherish each other.