Saturday, 6 July 2019

Inside: Your 48-Lesson Bible Study

We have another free resource for you! It is a forty-eight-lesson biblical study guide called Discipleship Evangelism. This in-depth resource is designed to help you receive God's results in every area of your life. Topics include marriage, finances, how to minister to others, deliverance, and much more! It has been translated into twenty-eight different languages and is being used all over the world!

We encourage you to take advantage of this download and share it with anyone you know who would be blessed by the wealth of materials it contains.

Our heart is to take the Gospel as far and as deep as possible, and one of the ways we do that is through DEMO (Discipleship Evangelism Missional Outreach), which is an arm of Andrew Wommack Ministries dedicated to discipling people around the world.

DEMO is currently focusing much of their work in central eastern Africa, with an emphasis on the region of Karamoja in Uganda. This region is tremendously poverty-stricken, and the literacy rate among the Karamojong is only around 10 percent. Nevertheless, DEMO has been discipling people for years in this corner of the world using the Discipleship Evangelism program. You can learn more about the lives they are seeing transformed through the power of the Gospel in this video.
We pray that this resource will be a blessing to you and to those you share it with!

Andrew Wommack Ministries | 1-719-635-1111 | |
Andrew Wommack Ministries, 1 Innovation Way, Woodland Park, CO 80863

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