Thursday, 18 July 2019

July - Have your cake & eat it too - Increase response rates AND data quality

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Have it all with auto-advance

Now you can have your cake and eat it too. Our new auto-advance feature enables you to cut survey response time down by as much as ⅓ while gathering high-quality results.

How African Americans feel about their prospects in 2019
Be sure to turn to page 42 of Ebony Magazine's spring issue to read the full report from our joint study on how African Americans view their potential prospects in 2019.
HR sucks at data (bear with us…)
Check this 9-minute video in which our Workforce President (former HR executive who used to suck at data, too) makes a compelling call-to-action around leveraging data to optimize our workplaces and workforces.
Turning smart surveys
Put your promoters to work

You've done the measurement to get your NPS score - now it's time to empower your promoters. Invite them to a Customer Advisory Board to co-create and improve your brand.

Product roundup
Customer experience

"Sometimes the insight finds you"

- Omar, QuestionPro brand guru

Thanks for reading. See you next month!

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