Monday, 18 November 2019

How to Receive Healing

Seven trusted Bible teachers. Three powerful volumes on healing. One Biblical truth. Charis Bible College has created Healing University, a comprehensive curriculum on healing! Through Healing University, you will gain a deeper understanding of what the Word of God says about healing and will be equipped to put this knowledge into action in your life. Kamille has done just that:
"One night recently, I went to bed I had a bit of a scratchy throat. At approximately midnight, I woke up and could not breathe. I jumped out of bed, gasping for air but could not recover. I had tremendous pressure in my chest, felt all closed up. I remembered Greg Mohr having shared how he and his wife spoke scriptures out loud over their son when he had the terrible pain and swelling in his little body. I went downstairs and began speaking healing scriptures out loud, over and over. I also began speaking in tongues. I did this for about three hours. Eventually, I felt a change in my chest! The pressure was gone! I had a peace that can only come from the presence of God. I went back up to the bed, slept very well and when I woke up in the morning, I had no sign of anything going on in my chest! In the past, this would ultimately turn into bronchitis or pneumonia, and I would have to go to the clinic and get antibiotics to heal. This is a breakthrough for me since I have been listening to all the healing teachings from Andrew, Barry, Greg and all the other great teachings from that ministry. There's so much more to this but I just wanted to share this because it is so exciting to me! I am seeing the fruit of not giving up and getting discouraged! Amen! God be Praised!!"
Healing University includes extensive teachings on a multitude of healing topics, as well as guided applications of these teachings. The curriculum is divided into three different sections. The first section--Expect--will build your faith for healing. The second section--Experience--will help you know success and receive full healing for yourself. Through the third section--Empower--you will be inspired with the confidence to minister healing to others. As a born-again believer, you can be God's channel of healing to many!
You'll hear from Andrew Wommack, Barry Bennett, Carlie Terradez, Carrie Pickett, Daniel Amstutz, Duane Sheriff, and Greg Mohr; all ministers who have seen amazing healings happen over and over again in their lives and in the lives of those they minister to. This program is designed to be used for either individual or group study and contains forty-eight video lessons and six Q&A panel discussions. Additionally, the curriculum comes with books that include corresponding written lessons for all video lessons.

Order today and begin to walk out your healing journey! This will bless you, and also bless others through you. You don't want to miss out! Follow the link below to learn more. 

Andrew Wommack Ministries Logo

Andrew Wommack Ministries, 1 Innovation Way, Woodland Park, CO 80863

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