Thursday, 26 September 2024

Discover This Week's Key Insights in African Farming/ VIV Africa 2024


Evaluating the real digestibility of phosphates in feeds
Animal nutritionists encounter significant challenges in adjusting and optimizing their feed formulations. To ensure an accurate evaluation, it is essential to measure their pre-caecal phosphorus digestibility, which provides a true indication of their digestibility. In this Q&A, agronomist and animal nutrition expert Mouhcine Bhija explores the complexities of digestibility and offers insights on selecting the optimal feed phosphate for balanced and sustainable animal breeding.
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VIV Africa 2024: Transforming Poultry Africa into a Complete Feed to Food Experience
VIV Africa, the leading trade show for Agriculture, Dairy, and  Poultry professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa, is thrilled to announce its much-anticipated transformation from Poultry Africa. The 4th edition of the show is set to take place on October 2-3, 2024, at the prestigious Kigali Convention Centre (KCC), welcoming global stakeholders and industry leaders from across the value chain.

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Bigger and smarter investments in small-scale agriculture are key to build a prosperous Africa

"Our first line of action against climate change, hunger and poverty is prosperous rural communities. Investing in small-scale farmers and rural entrepreneurs is the  most effective way to unlock the immense potential of Africa's agriculture and food systems for all," said Alvaro Lario, President of the UN's International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) heading to the G7 Agriculture Ministers meeting starting in Syracuse tomorrow.

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Tanzania announces strategic tax exemption strategy to reduce post-harvest losses in horticultural and cereal crops

The government of Tanzania through its Ministry of Agriculture has announced a strategic tax exemption strategy that will see horticultural and cereal crops farmers in the country reduce post-harvest losses.

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WPF releases training materials to help farmers keep poultry healthy

The World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released new training materials for new chicken farmers, to help them keep their birds healthy and avoid disease. The training module is part of a series released by the WPF to help Africa's small-scale poultry farmers improve their farming methods and incomes.

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Battling Mycotoxins in Poultry: How INBERG is Leading the Charge

In a world increasingly concerned with food safety, the issue of mycotoxins has emerged as a significant threat to both animal and human health. The  poultry industry plays a critical role in feeding the world's growing population.

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FARMERS REVIEW AFRICA published by Mailing Times media, it is Africa's premier farming magazine which provides updates of news and analysis on topical issues of national and international importance in agriculture. The publication links the technology applied in the Agricultural sector to the field experience of professionals in this area.

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