Thursday, 16 January 2020

Why customizing a survey does more for your brand than you think

Customize surveys for better brand engagement
Customize surveys for better brand engagement
Customization is more than creating a familiar environment for an audience. Discover all the benefits of customizing your surveys and all the ways you can do it in QuestionPro. (37)
All you need to know about the California Consumer Privacy Act
If you conduct surveys in California, here's everything you should know about the Californa Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and how it will affect you and your survey respondents. As a SaaS provider, we are taking every required step to be CCPA compliant before the law comes into effect.
Categorize and rank with the card sorting question
Categorize and rank with the card sorting question
The card sorting question is now available on QuestionPro! Card sorting lets respondents sort and label answer options on their terms while giving you insights on their way of thinking. Understand the benefits and use it in your surveys. (35)
Survey logic update will go live Saturday, February 1st, 2020
Mark your calendars! QuestionPro's logic is getting a complete head-to-toe makeover on February 1st. See what's new and sign up for live logic training on Monday, February 3rd.
Product roundup
Product roundup
Customer experience

Feature alert: logic updated for

more powerful surveys

Sign up for the webinar on February 3rd!

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